State Leaders Career Development Network
A National Community of Practice for State Leaders
The State Leaders Career Development Network (SLN) is a national community of practice for state leaders in career development. Our meetings, held on the third Thursday of each month from 3-4 pm EST, offer a dynamic and collaborative forum where leaders can exchange insights, strategies, and resources to enhance policies and practices across the country.
Leaders from various states and organizations share updates on recent legislative initiatives such as California's Executive Order on a Career Education Master Plan as well as innovative frameworks like New Brunswick's Career Education Framework. The SLN meetings also provide a platform for discussing critical resources and tools. These discussions highlight the importance of broadening students' exposure to postsecondary options beyond the traditional four-year college path, in turn emphasizing the role of career development in supporting mental health and social-emotional learning (SEL).
Our community of practice underscores the importance of collaboration across K-12, higher education, and workforce sectors to ensure a comprehensive approach to career readiness. By showcasing state examples of effective implementation efforts, fostering continued communication, and access to open resources, our monthly conversations offer essential networking opportunities for state leaders committed to advancing equitable and effective career development programs nationwide.
For more information, please email Annie Bell at
2022 EOY Progress
Report: CCD Center Accomplishments
CCD Center Products

2 national reports

4 policy briefs based on the Condition of Career Readiness report

4 state-level case studies and 8 policy/practice briefs derived from the case studies

Searchable map of the U.S. containing PCAP, SEL, CTE, and Work-Based Learning policies

Evidence-based practice brief of resources designed to encourage adoption of PCAPs
5 presentations featuring the Condition of Career Readiness report.

10 new episodes of the “Career Readiness for All” podcast

CCD Center social media

CCD Center newsletter
CCD Center website

National Reports
Two national reports were completed: the 2022 Condition of Career Readiness Report and the National Framework Report Connecting PCAPs, SEL, and Workforce Development. Four policy briefs, a state-level case study, and five presentations were developed as a result of the inaugural 2022 Condition of Career Readiness Report. We are preparing more state comparison brief reports that will serve as a strategy we will replicate with our 2023 report. Developed in collaboration with the CASEL and Civic, a second national report describes ways to integrate career readiness, workforce development, and social and emotional learning skills. Five state-level case studies and corresponding policy and practice briefs were based on this report.
Career Readiness Technical Assistance
The CCD Center received a contract with ESG to support the JP Morgan Chase New Skills Ready Network initiative. Our role is to provide career advising and PCAP technical assistance to the six communities. Activities include keynote presentations to the New Skills teams meeting in Cincinnati and the Columbus career advisors and release of one Resource Brief and draft of a second Resource Brief. Nashville and Indianapolis are scheduling similar TA support for January.